Accepting, sharing, exciting... just a few words about The Community. We are casual, loud and fun. Join us this Sunday at 10:10am ... as we “demonstrate the love of God to our community” by meeting needs and sharing Jesus.
Accepting, sharing, exciting... just a few words about The Community. We are casual, loud and fun. Join us this Sunday at 10:10am ... as we “demonstrate the love of God to our community” by meeting needs and sharing Jesus.
TCDC has strong support within the community and this has been demonstrated in multiple ways. Some large donations have provided seed monies and many organizations have expressed interest in partnering with this initiative. A very successful fundraiser was held in conjunction with the Citizens Against Family Violence to raise funds and spread awareness of the homeless issues. Over 50 local businesses and organizations sponsored a 5k run/walk, known as the Hope for the Homeless held in March 2011.
The Board is actively seeking property in the more depressed areas of Martinsville and Henry County area. TCDC desires to create positive change where it is most needed. Each opportunity will be carefully screened for suitability. The search for property continues as the need increases.
After a campus for TCDC is secured, mission teams from both local and distant churches will be a regular presence at TCDC as they represent a critical component of the vision. Each team will bring their skills and abilities to serve this project and people then go back to their own churches and communities to share the experience and knowledge gained.
The Need The Mission The Beginning The Effect The Staff The Evolution