Accepting, sharing, exciting... just a few words about The Community. We are casual, loud and fun. Join us this Sunday at 10:10am ... as we “demonstrate the love of God to our community” by meeting needs and sharing Jesus.
Accepting, sharing, exciting... just a few words about The Community. We are casual, loud and fun. Join us this Sunday at 10:10am ... as we “demonstrate the love of God to our community” by meeting needs and sharing Jesus.
In 2006, together with a group of like minded individuals, Pastor Michael Harrison began to seek ways to help hurting people. This vision led to the formation of The Community Fellowship (TCF). ( In September of 2010, Pastor Michael and a team of volunteers visited the Dream Center in Los Angeles, CA doing hands on volunteering and brought back a clarified vision. The Dream Center has created a wave of life improvements and demonstrates those changes with impressive statistics in the inner city Los Angeles area. In the first four years of the Dream Center's establishment, prostitution and gang violence dropped 73%, the homicide rate dropped 28% and rape dropped 53%.
TCDC was organized in December of 2010 in the hopes that together as a community, a similar revolution can be created here in Southwestern VA.
The Need The Mission The Beginning The Effect The Staff The Evolution